Dog Dental Care Services in Maple Grove

Proper dental care is an important part of your dog’s overall health and wellness. Maple Grove Pet Hospital offers comprehensive dental care services to keep your pet’s teeth sparkling clean.

Is Pet Dental Care Necessary?

Pet dental care is a pivotal step in maintaining your dog’s health and well-being. Just like humans, poor dental hygiene in dogs can cause serious health issues. Neglecting your pet’s oral health can result in painful tooth decay, gum disease, and infections that may spread to vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can prevent these problems, alleviate pain, freshen breath, and potentially extend your furry friend’s life. By prioritizing your dog’s dental care, you’re not just ensuring a bright smile, you’re contributing to their long-term health and happiness.

Recognizing the Signs Your Dog May Require Dental Care

Dogs can often mask signs of illness like dental disease, so it is important to get their teeth checked regularly by a professional. If you notice any of the following signs in your dog, you may want to consult with one of our Maple Grove veterinarians for a proper dental examination: 

  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • Visible tartar buildup on teeth
  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Discolored or loose teeth
  • Difficulty eating or loss of appetite
  • Pawing at the mouth or face
  • Excessive drooling
  • Dropping food while eating
  • Visible pain or discomfort when touching the mouth area
  • Changes in chewing habits (preferring soft foods or chewing on one side)
  • Sneezing or nasal discharge (in severe cases)
  • Swelling around the muzzle or cheek area
  • Reduced grooming behavior
  • Behavioral changes like increased irritability

How Dental Disease Can Affect Your Pet

Dental disease can have extensive effects on your dog’s health, extending well beyond just the mouth. As plaque and tartar build-up on the teeth, bacteria can harbor and multiply, leading to inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and possibly periodontal disease. This condition can result in painful infections, tooth loss, and damage to the supporting structures of the teeth.

The impact of dental disease isn’t confined to oral health alone. As the infection in the mouth progresses, bacteria can enter the bloodstream and spread to other parts of the body. This can potentially affect vital organs, leading to more serious health complications. Chronic dental disease may also contribute to systemic inflammation, which can exacerbate other health conditions. Additionally, the pain and discomfort associated with dental problems can significantly impact your dog’s quality of life, affecting their ability to eat, play, and enjoy daily activities.


At-Home Dental Care Advice for Your Dog

Maintaining your dog’s dental health in between appointments is a great way to keep your pet’s teeth looking their best. Remember, these at-home care tips don’t replace professional dental cleanings. Regular veterinary check-ups are still essential for maintaining your dog’s oral health.

  • Brush your dog’s teeth regularly (ideally daily)
  • Use dog-specific toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Provide dental treats designed to clean teeth
  • Use dental wipes or pads for quick cleanings
  • Add dental additives to your dog’s water
  • Feed dental-friendly dry food or kibble
  • Offer dental treats formulated to reduce tartar buildup
  • Use rope toys for natural flossing action
  • Provide dental rinses after meals

What to Expect During a Dental Exam

During your dog’s dental exam at our vet clinic, we perform a thorough assessment of your pet’s oral health. We typically begin with a visual examination of your dog’s mouth, teeth, and gums while they’re awake. The veterinarian will look for signs of dental disease, such as tartar buildup, gum inflammation, or loose teeth. They may also check for any growths, lesions, or abnormalities in the oral cavity. This initial exam helps determine if further treatment is necessary. 

If a more comprehensive examination or cleaning is required, your dog may need to be put under general anesthesia. This allows the veterinary team to conduct a detailed assessment and perform necessary procedures safely and without causing stress to your pet. While under anesthesia, the vet can probe each tooth to check for pockets or signs of periodontal disease, take dental X-rays to evaluate the health of the tooth roots and jaw bone, and perform a professional cleaning. Over half of your dog’s tooth is hidden underneath their gum line, so X-rays allow your vet to diagnose and address any dental concerns that may not be visible to the eye. 

The cleaning process involves scaling to remove tartar and plaque, followed by polishing to smooth the tooth surfaces. Your vet will discuss their findings with you and recommend any further treatments or home care strategies to maintain your dog’s dental health.

Schedule a Pet Dental Appointment

Don’t let dental problems impact your dog’s health and happiness! Schedule a dental examination at Maple Grove Pet Hospital today.